Well here it is:

Isn't it pretty all wrapped up (all 60 cases worth)! I think we'll just leave it where it is and tell everyone who wants to see our new floor.... "There it is right there!"
Oh yeah, and the flights are booked for Disneyland in July.... though that had some long story to it involving the beauty floor above... long story short... won't be booking any flights online ever again!
Oh man... I just discovered the 'all' button for friends' blogs. I am so far behind here it's not even funny. Really, what's the point of having so many friends if you don't keep up on their blogs? Guess I better try a little harder. Is it too late for a New Year's Resolution?

Isn't it pretty all wrapped up (all 60 cases worth)! I think we'll just leave it where it is and tell everyone who wants to see our new floor.... "There it is right there!"
Oh yeah, and the flights are booked for Disneyland in July.... though that had some long story to it involving the beauty floor above... long story short... won't be booking any flights online ever again!
Oh man... I just discovered the 'all' button for friends' blogs. I am so far behind here it's not even funny. Really, what's the point of having so many friends if you don't keep up on their blogs? Guess I better try a little harder. Is it too late for a New Year's Resolution?
Good luck with the floor and travel plans. Pergo is great, my kitchen has it and I think I need to do the upstairs hall with it. Maybe I'll have you stop here on the way to or from Disney! Oh, wait - you're doing DisneyLand, wrong coast! I was there in October while visiting a friend in LA. Had a great time. I'm sure you will too.