An interesting development. The owner of the company I sub-contract to phoned today. In his words he doesn't want this 'quarrel' between me and his wife to affect my relationship with the company. It seems the company has had a difficult six months and the situation was blown out of proportion, and he would like the issue to be considered dead.
Nereid and I had talked this morning about the consequences of me going to another company and whether or not she was prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. Mainly being me going out of town all the time. Being the amazing person she is, she said she would support whatever decision I chose to make. GAWD I LOVE THAT GIRL!!!!
But that's just it... I've given seven years to the company I'm with and have myself in a situation where I only go out of town if the company is in a dire situation (as it was last week). I would make considerably more money going elsewhere, but for me it is more important to be home with my wife even if it is just to sleep, than to go out of town all the time and make more money.
So I chose to let dead dogs lie. On the understanding the owner does the same.
Am I a sapsuckershmuck? My brother seems to think so. But I'll put up with a lot of shit if it means I get to come home to the best-woman-in-the-world!!!!!
Nereid and I had talked this morning about the consequences of me going to another company and whether or not she was prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. Mainly being me going out of town all the time. Being the amazing person she is, she said she would support whatever decision I chose to make. GAWD I LOVE THAT GIRL!!!!
But that's just it... I've given seven years to the company I'm with and have myself in a situation where I only go out of town if the company is in a dire situation (as it was last week). I would make considerably more money going elsewhere, but for me it is more important to be home with my wife even if it is just to sleep, than to go out of town all the time and make more money.
So I chose to let dead dogs lie. On the understanding the owner does the same.
Am I a sapsuckershmuck? My brother seems to think so. But I'll put up with a lot of shit if it means I get to come home to the best-woman-in-the-world!!!!!
thanks baby =]
money is not all it is cracked up to be sometimes. i would stay if things could move forward smoothly or whatever. for me, family comes first over career. being gone is stressful on both parties over the long run. i think that it takes a mature person to decide to stay under the conditions you cite. what i am saying is that Nereid is worth more than any monetary gain and absence that comes as a result.