Well at least I know I'm not dying. It's just a friggin' cold. But holy wow! Has it been knocking me on my hiney!!! (Would you look at that... a complete sentence and not one fuckin swear word!)
Again I could have killed a helper today... one that had the balls to lip off to boot... don't think he'll be too quik to do that again... and again, didn't swear once at him... nor did I kick him in the nuts tho lord knows I wanted to do... reach down, grab his scrotum, and pull it up over his head so far he could actually fuck himself in the ass...
hmmm... perhaps a little... what's it called.... pent up rage still in me!
Oh well guess that's what this week is going to be about... pinhead loser helpers during the day and my normal kick-ass helper for the evenings.... I'm told it's a good deal.... somehow I don't quite see it the same.
Yay for Buckley's by the way. I think I should just phone them up and tell them I'm their man for commercial advertising... then.... there's a few helpers that would be giving themselves blowjobs!

Again I could have killed a helper today... one that had the balls to lip off to boot... don't think he'll be too quik to do that again... and again, didn't swear once at him... nor did I kick him in the nuts tho lord knows I wanted to do... reach down, grab his scrotum, and pull it up over his head so far he could actually fuck himself in the ass...
hmmm... perhaps a little... what's it called.... pent up rage still in me!
Oh well guess that's what this week is going to be about... pinhead loser helpers during the day and my normal kick-ass helper for the evenings.... I'm told it's a good deal.... somehow I don't quite see it the same.
Yay for Buckley's by the way. I think I should just phone them up and tell them I'm their man for commercial advertising... then.... there's a few helpers that would be giving themselves blowjobs!
The meeting went well.
I'm glad you only have a cold!!!! You'll be over it in no time! And Buckleys is some CRAZY shit! BUT it works! I REALLY REALLY hope that your helpers shape up soon, otherwise i think your demons will jump out and attack! lol!
Take care Nathanial! AND thanks again!