Well it's back to the evening shift for a few days. With a whiner for a helper. Nice! Guess we'll see just how well I am manageing to be 'calmer'. In the meantime, guess I should get off my ass and tidy up the house. Well maybe after a hottub. Anyone going to join me?

Hot Tubs are amazing!!!! And night shifts blow!!! But i hope that it goes quick and smooth for ya!
and i called my insurance peeps and asked them to add Mike, so thats going to be taken care of.... Then i was told i should've called them right away about the accident... Then they said there wasn't much they could do.... awww... BUT my car isn't running any different... so thats good i guess.... I'm not too worried about it..... As long as Mike is ok! Which he is!
You have a great night Nathanial!