Well it's been a while.... amazing how fast life passes us by. Picasso the cat is gone and buried. Nereid has recovered from the loss. But I think only cuz she has other stuff occupying her mind. Dec 10 of this year, she is slated to be off Methandone, and she's scared shitless. I don't know what to do for her. In her words, it will be four years on methadone, five years as a junkie before that, and before that, booze and weed. And I don't know what to do for her.... she doesn't want me to be a "cheerleader", just be supportive.... but she has come such a long way, and I AM PROUD of her.... so how do I not show it? And it's coming down to the nitty gritty where I know I'm about to get the whole "you don't know what it's like!" thing thrown in my face, but if I'm not there giving her just that little push, she doesn't seem to make things happen, then four months down the road, I get the whole "I wish I had just listened to you!" thrown at me.... it's so completely frustrating!!!
More Blogs
Monday Jan 29, 2007
I am not so certain I was cut out for the "service" industry! One th… -
Saturday Jan 27, 2007
Just bought an Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera. Reading all the rev… -
Thursday Jan 25, 2007
Yay, no nightmare's last nite (not even American Idol nightmares Bele… -
Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
I am so pathetic!!! I'm sitting here SUFFERING WILLINGLY thru Americ… -
Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
Does anyone out there have vicious nitemares regularly? Cuz I'm gett… -
Monday Jan 22, 2007
So the furnace is fixed. Turns out as my gorgeous best-friend/wife s… -
Tuesday Jan 16, 2007
The damn furnace isn't working! It's 14C in here! And I can't get a… -
Sunday Jan 14, 2007
Hi-Ho Hi-Hoooooo!!! It's off to work I go! Hey! Wait a minute! Di… -
Monday Jan 08, 2007
The only remotely bothersome consequence to having a hot tub "party",… -
Sunday Jan 07, 2007
SUCCESS!!! Nereid's B-day party went off without a hitch (well jus…
On a happier note, when do we get to see some wedding pictures?!