Especially when almost finished long-ass journal entry!!!!
So as I was saying....
Found a killer Russian Bistro just down the street.... first went Monday night.... but wasn't sure how Nereid would like it (she's a picky eater at times).... Well the food was absolutely fantastic! And the little russian waitress was damn cute! (fucking cute and fuckable is what Nereid said!)
Realized some time ago that my friends list was incredibly long, and that I never actually had time to stay in touch with most of them... so I thinned out my list this morning. Only the cutest survived!
Bought a new toy last night... Pioneer Aireware XM2Go.... I love satellite radio!!! And besides... I don't hardly ever buy myself anything.... the occasional hot tub... the odd trip to Disneyland... a bride....
Well gotta run off to work... one of my clients surprised me last night with tickets to the dinner theatre for Nereid and I for tonight.... that rocks!
Have a great day all!
Especially when almost finished long-ass journal entry!!!!
So as I was saying....
Found a killer Russian Bistro just down the street.... first went Monday night.... but wasn't sure how Nereid would like it (she's a picky eater at times).... Well the food was absolutely fantastic! And the little russian waitress was damn cute! (fucking cute and fuckable is what Nereid said!)
Realized some time ago that my friends list was incredibly long, and that I never actually had time to stay in touch with most of them... so I thinned out my list this morning. Only the cutest survived!

Bought a new toy last night... Pioneer Aireware XM2Go.... I love satellite radio!!! And besides... I don't hardly ever buy myself anything.... the occasional hot tub... the odd trip to Disneyland... a bride....

Well gotta run off to work... one of my clients surprised me last night with tickets to the dinner theatre for Nereid and I for tonight.... that rocks!
Have a great day all!
Question - when you thin out your friends list do they get like a notice or something? Or do they just go away?