Happy New Year!
Maybe 2009 will be a better year. Finally Obama will be sworn in (that'll be one hell of a day in our history, and it can't come too soon).
Economic recession or not, this is going to be a better year, because I will make it so!
If you haven't noticed by now, I've been on a Doors kick lately. I've been learning their songs Roadhouse Blues and Backdoor Man, and I'm gonna throw 'em together in a Roadhouse Blues medley with "Wake Up!" and "Cosmic Movie" thrown in (two excerpts from Jim's poems) live. I've also been jamming to Interstellar Overdrive and Careful with that Axe, Eugene (both are almost too easy to learn on guitar... I think I got 'em both down pat in less then a half hour), both by Pink Floyd, and plan on throwing Careful in the middle of Interstellar Overdrive live, as well.
Other songs I plan on covering are Crossroads, Purple Haze, Communication Breakdown, Green is the Colour, and Oh Me (the Nirvana version). I've rewritten Nobody's Fault but Mine to be an anti-proselytizing rant, specifically against door-to-door religious salesmen. God these fuckers piss me off.
I had been wanting to cover the Page/Plant (also John Renbourne) version of Nobody's Fault but Mine for a long time, so I learned it. Then after having numerous run-ins with proselytizers in Atlanta, New York, etc, I decided I wanted to write a song about these fools. Then, one day, a while back, I was home alone, and one of these fundamental Christian door-to-door salesmen knocked on my door, probably drawn by the mezuzah hanging by our door (we're a Jewish family). I let him talk because there's never a bad time for a good laugh (
). He finished his little tirade with the words "and if you don't accept Jesus into your heart, you will be destined to Hell, and it will be nobody's fault but yours." And with that, a light bulb went on in my head. I said thanks but I gotta go, shut the doors in his face, and spent the next ten minutes re-writing Nobody's Fault but Mine, including dropping the acoustic act and adding distorted electric guitar to make it heavier, as well as a couple guitar solos. I can't wait to get this version out there for others to hear.
Anyways... I got originals, too. All I need is a bassist for my band and then we're gonna start practicing for my first live gig. I'm quite excited, and I do hope to get some SGATLiens out there when it happens. Besides, even if you don't like Blues/Psychedelic, it's an excuse to get out to a bar and drink, and that's always a good idea.
So I guess I have to ask all my friends... how was your holidays? Did you drink? Did you eat? Were you merry? If you're Jewish, did you light the candles? What did y'all get for presents?
And has anyone here ever tried wassail? If yes, how was it? I've always wanted to try it.
And if you don't know what wassail is, I should say that no, it's NOT a song:
Wassail (from Wikipedia)
Maybe 2009 will be a better year. Finally Obama will be sworn in (that'll be one hell of a day in our history, and it can't come too soon).
Economic recession or not, this is going to be a better year, because I will make it so!
If you haven't noticed by now, I've been on a Doors kick lately. I've been learning their songs Roadhouse Blues and Backdoor Man, and I'm gonna throw 'em together in a Roadhouse Blues medley with "Wake Up!" and "Cosmic Movie" thrown in (two excerpts from Jim's poems) live. I've also been jamming to Interstellar Overdrive and Careful with that Axe, Eugene (both are almost too easy to learn on guitar... I think I got 'em both down pat in less then a half hour), both by Pink Floyd, and plan on throwing Careful in the middle of Interstellar Overdrive live, as well.
Other songs I plan on covering are Crossroads, Purple Haze, Communication Breakdown, Green is the Colour, and Oh Me (the Nirvana version). I've rewritten Nobody's Fault but Mine to be an anti-proselytizing rant, specifically against door-to-door religious salesmen. God these fuckers piss me off.
I had been wanting to cover the Page/Plant (also John Renbourne) version of Nobody's Fault but Mine for a long time, so I learned it. Then after having numerous run-ins with proselytizers in Atlanta, New York, etc, I decided I wanted to write a song about these fools. Then, one day, a while back, I was home alone, and one of these fundamental Christian door-to-door salesmen knocked on my door, probably drawn by the mezuzah hanging by our door (we're a Jewish family). I let him talk because there's never a bad time for a good laugh (

Anyways... I got originals, too. All I need is a bassist for my band and then we're gonna start practicing for my first live gig. I'm quite excited, and I do hope to get some SGATLiens out there when it happens. Besides, even if you don't like Blues/Psychedelic, it's an excuse to get out to a bar and drink, and that's always a good idea.
So I guess I have to ask all my friends... how was your holidays? Did you drink? Did you eat? Were you merry? If you're Jewish, did you light the candles? What did y'all get for presents?
And has anyone here ever tried wassail? If yes, how was it? I've always wanted to try it.
And if you don't know what wassail is, I should say that no, it's NOT a song:
Wassail (from Wikipedia)
Thank you for showing love for my set in member review!