Sometimes I'd really like to believe I know my *******. Yes I know that I'm a know-it-all and when it comes to life, their are so many questions that don't have answers. It bugs me to no end when I don't know why *** will do certain things and asking "why?" instigates fights so often. It's so hard to hold on to someone when you're just trying to truly get to know them and they dislike you for simply trying to understand them. It's now common to find something out about ************* and fight about it instead of getting to know why or how something happened instead. All I'm doing is just trying to get to know ************* and as life goes I'm misunderstood trying to get to know someone. It surprises me that I'm misunderstood by this person since they believe they know me so well. It just sucks know that someone who I thought knew me simply has no idea who I am. They see me as confused and confusing. I don't see myself as confusing at all. I see myself as being more analytical and empathetic then most men.
Someone wrote me about my opinion that you can't explain logic to someone who doesn't understand what logic is. They know that it "makes no sense" and that I'm a "fucking idiot". First off, if you're going to insult someone about an opinion please find out that opinions are subjective. I've never met someone who has used the word logic not in reference to it's philosophical meaning. Last, logic is subjective to begin with. I'm sure everyone thinks that person is a superstar. Silly guysl
Sorry about the poor grammar.
Have a beautiful life reader... s?
- Stranger
Someone wrote me about my opinion that you can't explain logic to someone who doesn't understand what logic is. They know that it "makes no sense" and that I'm a "fucking idiot". First off, if you're going to insult someone about an opinion please find out that opinions are subjective. I've never met someone who has used the word logic not in reference to it's philosophical meaning. Last, logic is subjective to begin with. I'm sure everyone thinks that person is a superstar. Silly guysl
Sorry about the poor grammar.
Have a beautiful life reader... s?
- Stranger
Sometimes life is confusing, or... alot of times confusing. But life wouldn't be worth living if we had it all figured out. Take life for what its worth and stay positive. Every step is a new adventure and who knows where it will lead you, but you have to let life lead you first.