Woo! Yes, I'm back, for a whole year! I've missed my SG buddies so very much!
That is what I currently look like, not much has changed. I have dropped 10kg though.
Not been up to much, you can check out what's been happening on m blog http://extralargeaslife.com
Off to go and try to get back into PSW!

That is what I currently look like, not much has changed. I have dropped 10kg though.
Not been up to much, you can check out what's been happening on m blog http://extralargeaslife.com
Off to go and try to get back into PSW!
my hair grows slowly too. im getting
extensions next week, for the first time ever.
just black. quite excited.. hope i like 'em!
What do you mean 'try' to get back into PSW,you should have a gold pass