So, I've decied on pink hair. Long pink hair. Getting extensions. Thinking about some orange streaks in the front. I always seem to go back to pink.
First round of bleach. I always forget how horrid I look with blonde hair. One more round, then I'll be pink again. Surprised my hair took so well, one bleach to go from black to blonde-orange. Also sorry, no make up.
Frodo has taken to straddeling everything as of late. Arms of chairs, legs, anything he can do it too. It's a little weird, but amusing.
And people wonder why we tell him "Cheer up Emo Fro"
And so I don't get accused of favouritism:
Virginia Pig. Aka Ginny, Piggy, Pig-Pig.
I'm not usually one that gets upset over celebrity deaths. But woah, I'm mourning the loss of Patrick Swayze. He was one of my childhood crushes (Along with David Bowie & John Stamos).

First round of bleach. I always forget how horrid I look with blonde hair. One more round, then I'll be pink again. Surprised my hair took so well, one bleach to go from black to blonde-orange. Also sorry, no make up.

Frodo has taken to straddeling everything as of late. Arms of chairs, legs, anything he can do it too. It's a little weird, but amusing.

And people wonder why we tell him "Cheer up Emo Fro"
And so I don't get accused of favouritism:

Virginia Pig. Aka Ginny, Piggy, Pig-Pig.
I'm not usually one that gets upset over celebrity deaths. But woah, I'm mourning the loss of Patrick Swayze. He was one of my childhood crushes (Along with David Bowie & John Stamos).

Thats such an awersome photo of you up there,the blonde hait looks good on you.Maybe Frodo is asserting his manhood

make-up is your problem girl you looks fine without it just like alots of the ladys round mhm thats right girlfriend... LOL i just watched 17 again i'm quite lame lol