Sometimes I wonder why I ever try at all?

(Ginny is a cam whore, like her mother)
So, what have I been upto?
- Website woes & too many emails to reply to. [
- Feeling sick & sleeping. Doctors appointment Monday
- Reading. Reading. Reading. (37 books & counting so far this year)
- Watching True Blood. I love Pam. And Eric, but everyone loves Eric these days.
- Missing my family
- Getting my eyes tested and finding out I need to wear glasses pretty much full time now
- Missing Adam when he's at work
- Stressing about money, and wishing I had more to spend
- Wanting a tattoo
LISTITEM]Paying off Adam's b'day present.[/LISTITEM]
Oh, and I got a haircut.
Cute hairs! That's going to be super cool for the summer months.
What have you been reading?