- I have my computer back! Everything in My Documents was saved, and it ended up only costing me $140!
- Went to Semahore Jetty the other night with havokinblack his friend Sarah, plain_jane and her man (who's name I have forgotten! Sorry!). It was much fun. Brad bought along his puppy Barkley who is way too gorgeous!!
- I'm reading the books that the TV show 'True Blood' is based on. I'm rather enjoying them actually. They, along with the show, are like crack. So bad it's good & addictive.
- I went to the cinema and saw 'Journey to the center of the Earth'. Was good. Man, I love Brendon Fraiser. It would have been wicked to have seen it in 3D though!
- Today is my Nan's 89th birthday!!!
- I was invited to my 5year High School Reunion! WOW. I'm not going to be able to make it though, seeing I'm living in Adelaide and going home for a visit in December, I can't afford to fly over in November to catch up with people I was not friends with.
It seems now days that Hollywood has run out of ideas for moofies,its all just remakes after remake but the good thing is that with new technology,average films from years ago now have the potential to be great,i think i'll wait for Journey to come out on dvd then i can relax at home and watch it..yeah ima bit of a movie snob haha
Oh and from your last journal,im glad your ok now and it was a canula you got not a catheter,catheters(usually) are put into ya bladder to drain away wee..and im sure you would remember that
Hmm that pic of you with the glasses is very nice indeed
It was nice to see you again