This morning I got rushed to emergancy, due to my own stupidity. I didn't look at the ceral carton properly, poured myself out, and ate a whole bowl of Crunchy Nut. What am I highly allergic to? Yes, nuts. Crunchy nut is 7% peanuts.
My throat swelled majorly, I wanted to reach my hand down it and scratch. My ears ached, and my tounge went tingly. They took me in straight away, and tried putting a canula (or is it cathader?) in my right hand, which didn't work. He hit the wrong vein and blood went everywhere! On the floor, all over my hand and on the bed. I mean, it wasn't gushing, but there was a fair amount! I think it was because I am now on asprin. I then proceeded to have a panic attack. I hate needles, and with him pulling it in and out, wiggling it around, and then the blood, agh, I nearly fainted.
He got me to lay down, and he got the needle into my left hand. The nurse then pushed through 5 different things. A serum that is like Telfast, some steroids, and water. The steriods hurt like a bitch, you could feel it moving up my arm. Then they brought Adam in, and watched me for 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours!
I managed to sleep a little, they ended up letting me go around 3:30pm. Oh, and when they took out the needle thingy, it was fine, she put a bandaid on it, then half a minute later it was covered in blood and it was running down my arm. Icky! I'm feeling a little better now, my throat is okay, but my sugar level. Eep. The nurse said that the steroids will put my sugar up, before dinner it was 21.2! Two hours after dinner it had dropped to 19. Eep.
When it rains, it pours hey?

My throat swelled majorly, I wanted to reach my hand down it and scratch. My ears ached, and my tounge went tingly. They took me in straight away, and tried putting a canula (or is it cathader?) in my right hand, which didn't work. He hit the wrong vein and blood went everywhere! On the floor, all over my hand and on the bed. I mean, it wasn't gushing, but there was a fair amount! I think it was because I am now on asprin. I then proceeded to have a panic attack. I hate needles, and with him pulling it in and out, wiggling it around, and then the blood, agh, I nearly fainted.
He got me to lay down, and he got the needle into my left hand. The nurse then pushed through 5 different things. A serum that is like Telfast, some steroids, and water. The steriods hurt like a bitch, you could feel it moving up my arm. Then they brought Adam in, and watched me for 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours!
I managed to sleep a little, they ended up letting me go around 3:30pm. Oh, and when they took out the needle thingy, it was fine, she put a bandaid on it, then half a minute later it was covered in blood and it was running down my arm. Icky! I'm feeling a little better now, my throat is okay, but my sugar level. Eep. The nurse said that the steroids will put my sugar up, before dinner it was 21.2! Two hours after dinner it had dropped to 19. Eep.
When it rains, it pours hey?

i love pics your profile
kiss lady