My computer died. Well, it has blue screened. FUCK!
It is super sucky because my whole 'job' revolves around me having my computer and the internet! I don't know when we can get it fixed either, if they can save all my data, or how much it will cost. FUCK!
It doesn't help that I need to save about $1000 for December, which just isn't going to happen. I also owe Adam $400 from when I had to go to the dentist. FUCK.
On top of that, Frodo is sick. He has Flea Allergic Detmititis. Blah, he doesn't even have flea's! None of the dogs do, but all it takes is one flea from the garden jumping on him, biting him, then jumping back off, and ta-da! My first dog had FAD really bad. So badly that the whole bottom half of his body was hairless and covered in scabs. It makes me sad thinking about it, but the vet said we have gotten it early, so he should be okay. An extra $70 a month though, but I really would pay a million dollars for my Mister Frodo.
I'm sure there was something else I wanted to bitch about, but I shall save you all from it. Yeah, things atm, not so good.
BUUUUUUUUT! I am an Auntie again! As of yesterday! My brothers girlfriend gave birth to a little girl named Bethany!!
That means I am an auntie 16 times! (If you include Adam's neices and nephews with mine!)
It is super sucky because my whole 'job' revolves around me having my computer and the internet! I don't know when we can get it fixed either, if they can save all my data, or how much it will cost. FUCK!
It doesn't help that I need to save about $1000 for December, which just isn't going to happen. I also owe Adam $400 from when I had to go to the dentist. FUCK.
On top of that, Frodo is sick. He has Flea Allergic Detmititis. Blah, he doesn't even have flea's! None of the dogs do, but all it takes is one flea from the garden jumping on him, biting him, then jumping back off, and ta-da! My first dog had FAD really bad. So badly that the whole bottom half of his body was hairless and covered in scabs. It makes me sad thinking about it, but the vet said we have gotten it early, so he should be okay. An extra $70 a month though, but I really would pay a million dollars for my Mister Frodo.
I'm sure there was something else I wanted to bitch about, but I shall save you all from it. Yeah, things atm, not so good.
BUUUUUUUUT! I am an Auntie again! As of yesterday! My brothers girlfriend gave birth to a little girl named Bethany!!

A girl at my work, her dog has the same thing but not so seriously that it requires preventative treatment. Give poor Frodo a smooch on the top of his head for me
I hope your financial woes don't prevent your Twilight plans.
good luck with everything. poor puppy.