Thursday night at 2am, I got rushed to an emergancy dentist. Turns out my bottom left wisdom tooth was infected. All I can say was 'OUCH' I was in so much pain. I don't remember being in so much pain before. I've had tooth aches, but this was by far the worst.
I am petrified of dentists. #2 on my feared list. I hadn't been to one in about 12 or so years! But the one I went to was super nice. Really supportive, and explained everything! I didn't even feel the needles, I think I was in far too much pain. It hurt abit when he did the deep cleaning though.
Cost me $450 to get one tooth cleaned. But it is feeling soooo much better now, and I've just about finished my anti-biotics.
My brother went in for an operation on his neck last Friday. He had to get a disc replaced in his spine. He's okay now though! I was so worried!

That's lame about your wisdom tooth! I had mine yanked a few years back so have luckily not had any problems.