I know i've been MIA lately, sorry, I've just been not handling things too well. The new doctor I saw decided to take me off one of my meds, and increase the other, it seems to be working and I'm a little happier. We shall see how I go.
I got a new piercings! I know most people don't like smileys, but I adore them. It was spur of the moment, and different. If you know me by now, I like different! It's also my most expencive piercing, believe it or not. The jewellery cost nearly as much as the piercing!

I also have to pull the funniest faces if people actually want to see it, so it's well hidden.

I loved your polaroid set, how cool is it? It rock's!!
I took myself off my anti depressants, and the first week i felt wonderful, by week 3 i was in so much pain. So the doctor said to go back on then and ween myself off slowly, not like i did....cold turkey.
It's been about 7 weeks now, I am on half the dose I was on for the last 9 years or so. I am feeling quite restless, jittery and very moody, crying for no real reason. It's also making it hard to sleep.
I have been taking them for an anxiety disorder and I used to get extreme panic attacks. *touch wood* still very anxious, but I went and learnt CBT and saw a psychologist for about a year, that helped alot. I also practice meditation and yoga, and use essential oil and homeopathic medicine which helps.
I truly hope you are feeling much better soon, you deserve to be happy, and free.
Lots of love