I'm totally, madly, deeply in love. Yes. With a dress. A dress I bought today. For $149.95. I know, I know, expencive, but I'm in love, and love does not have a pricetag

For those of you who know me, or have had me friended for a long time, you'll know I have major social anxiety, and don't do well going out by myself. In fact, I've only been out shopping by myself once or twice before. Well, I went again today, and I am so stoked. It's a big step for me, and although I was only out for two hours, I didn't panic at all and I had a wonderful time! Woo!
I've spent close to $400 yesterday and today. I shopped with my Mum from 9am til 5pm, and was so tired in the end. But I got presents for my Nan, and my neice. But money does not go far.
I'm also growing my nails, I dunno why I'm telling you this, but anyway. I've always been a nail biter, and now my nails are LONG. Yay, another thing I am proud of. Even my psych was proud I've grown them. My psych appointment went really well the other day, I was only in there for 15 minutes, and I don't see him again until Feb. (I'm on such a high atm)
Christmas is getting close kiddies, are you excited?
I know nothing bout dresses but from what i can see of the white one..it looks really nice,Hey try & maintain that high..keep thinking good thoughts & sit on your hands if need be to stop biting them
With a sparkely boob grope & a wonderful smile it must be xmas
Hope santa is good to you & adam