I feel down the stairs outside on Friday. Face first. I have no idea how it happened but i'm left with a sprained wrist and a graze on myhead. It hurt like woah and I rang burningleviathan crying like a 4 year old.
Adam and I went to Sexpo yesterday. He'd never been and wanted to go. (I went two years ago). It was okay, Probbaly not worth the $25 but we had fun. I enjoy just being able to spend time with Adam, doing whatever. BUt i did get some Lingerie from OhSoCurvy.
I wish I had bigger boobs.
After sexpo, Adam and iI went and looked around Fox Studios, and then went into George Street and saw Harry Potter! I really rather liked it, apart from some things missing, but I guess they can't fit everything into the books. I <3 Luna and Bellatrix.
Trains are out from Blacktown to Granville so we had to catch buses and they seemed to take forever, home not so long, but getting into the city it took nearly 2 hours! It was ridiculous, and I HATE catching buses!
If you guys need help with directions to the Enmore theatre for Grinderman lemme know & i'll help,i live right near it and i grew up in seven hills so i know how to get from one place to the other Oh..glad your head is ok & your not to damaged

I didn't even know sexpo was on. I have been before. Its amazing the noise that canaries make for being so small. I hope your head gets better <3