My life at the moment consists of
Harry Potter. I'm slowly making my way through it. Taking my time, 1, because my head can't consentrate on anything. And 2, I really don't want it to end. Though I've pretty much been spoiled with who dies.
Moo Cards. To say i'm obssesed, would probably be true. I love them. I just ordered Moo Stickers
Everyone should get them, so then we can swap
And i've been watching a hell of alot of Entourage. I bought Season 2 the other day, and am very much enjoying it.
Grocery shopping today, I hate grocery shopping, blah, but my brother joined Mum and I and was a great help. ANd i managed to come in under budget so I have money to spend at Sexpo on the weekend

Harry Potter. I'm slowly making my way through it. Taking my time, 1, because my head can't consentrate on anything. And 2, I really don't want it to end. Though I've pretty much been spoiled with who dies.

Moo Cards. To say i'm obssesed, would probably be true. I love them. I just ordered Moo Stickers

And i've been watching a hell of alot of Entourage. I bought Season 2 the other day, and am very much enjoying it.
Grocery shopping today, I hate grocery shopping, blah, but my brother joined Mum and I and was a great help. ANd i managed to come in under budget so I have money to spend at Sexpo on the weekend

and i LOVE entourage. adrien grinirer... YUM!