I think that's what makes buying things online appealing to me, the recieving it part. I recently ordered myself some Moo MiniCards, and I am so excited about getting them in a few week, I get all excited thinking about it. I don't even know what i'll use them for, but so cute. (I got one from Lavonne and fell in love with the tiny buisness cardness of it) Yeah, me = nerd.
I've been spending my day looking up upcoming conventions here in Australia, and there are a few good ones coming up, if only I had the money. I'll probably just be going to Supanova cause it's close, and cheap, though, I of course will still spend a ridiculous amount of money on memrobillia and autographs. Again, Nerd.
I finally finished watching all of Heroes, and OMG Fantabulous, I heart that show so much, and I think Peter wins the contest between him and Sylar to which character I like the most, though Claire and Niki are just plain hot.
On other television news, however am i suppost to wait until around October to see the last season of Gilmore Girls! *kicks dial up* Thats MONTHS away. And how did I not know until now that they are making a sequal to 'The sisterhood of teh travelling pants'. I'm so out of the loop.
This entry ahs been fuill of random nonsence, and I doubt anoyone will read it all, or reply, cause of the lameness.
I love that man.
Should I wear my corset with the outfit to the SGAU ball or not?
I hate being depressed, and I can't seem to shake it lately, I'm thinking the weather isn't helping. Being sick too probably doesn' t help. I feel unloved and lonely, which is just stupid cause I know I am loved, though, I am abit lonely. It makes me want to buy things online, if only to get the joy of opening mail.
and when i get something awesome to send you, i totally will
i'm so glad you love heroes! it's my favorite.
aaaaand a traveling pants sequal!? right on!!
I didn't like the season finale of Heroes. I wish Sylar and Peter had more of a battle at the end. It was anticlamatic. I'm still going to watch next season. No doubt.
I'm totally going to mail you something. I wanna see how long it takes for you to get it.