I got hot new shoes today. I love them. ALOT. Only cost $20 aswell. Yay for buy one get one half price deals. My nan bought me a pretty black sparkily jumper too. WOOT. Spoiled I am.
I feel like hell today. I realllly didn't want to go shopping, but seeing as I have no food, I thought I should. Still don't have any meat, but the thought of eatting meat makes me heave. I bought Adam a stuffed toy wombat too. I'm a nerd like that.
I think my new meds are weirding me out. I've been having little weird fuzzy episodes. I mean, its nowhere near like my seizures, or when my highs, but... it's weird to explain. I need to write a list of things to talk to my Psych when I go. Plus I have an appointment to see a nutrionist, however you spell that.
P.S. I have a hot boyfriend. Proof:

and i hope the meds work out. but i'd have to say a little fuzzy is better than havinf seizures!