So, update time again. My dreads are major fun! I have taken them out atm cuase my head was itchy and I just HAD TO wash my hair properly, but I plan on putting them back in shortly cause damn I love having long hair again.

Because BurningLeviathanthought it was amuing, and that I should tell you all... I've been having some rather amusing dreams lately, more recently I had a dream inclunding me being the center of an orgy with 8 other woman, and than another day, I was having a rather sexual dream about SG Zui when I actually moved in my sleep, hit my headboat and woke myself up
I love shoes, here's some proof.

Here are some pictures I took around Brooms Head. I think some turned out really good. Such a pretty place!!

Because BurningLeviathanthought it was amuing, and that I should tell you all... I've been having some rather amusing dreams lately, more recently I had a dream inclunding me being the center of an orgy with 8 other woman, and than another day, I was having a rather sexual dream about SG Zui when I actually moved in my sleep, hit my headboat and woke myself up

I love shoes, here's some proof.

Here are some pictures I took around Brooms Head. I think some turned out really good. Such a pretty place!!
Also, excuse my look of doopeyness in the next photo, but I wasn't feeling the best, but I got my first corset ever, made by the wonderful spit_pretty! It's wonderful and I adore it!
Take a look here Natatree Darling Designs and tell me what you think too
and great pics