When I first came to SuicideGirls, over a year ago, I never really payed to much attention to reagan. Since the Burlesque tour, and some of the more recent set and actually paying attention to her journal entries, I'm just in friggin
. I thonk this would have to be my favourite set of her's too.
Best Boobs Ever.
Anyway, I'm still coming to terms with this Borderline Personality Disorder shit (see previous entry). I mean, wasn't Bi-polar enough.

Best Boobs Ever.
Anyway, I'm still coming to terms with this Borderline Personality Disorder shit (see previous entry). I mean, wasn't Bi-polar enough.

I hope you're doing ok, I don't have any kind of advice, coz I wouldn't know what I was talking about, but I'm thinking of you. Good thoughts all the way.