I know I have not been overly sociable on here as of late, for that I apologise, but I have been reading everyone's entries.
Life for me has not been the best. My bipolar has taken my life by the balls, and I'm feeling really fucked. I keep putting off getting a blood test because I hate needles, but the doctor thinks I may have Glandular Fever or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
A good friend of mine (I met her through her son, who gave me my first kiss, and she has helped me so much) has had her cancer come back. Badly. She's already had two lots of chemo, and although you are suppost to have had 3 lots of chemo before they will give you a bone marrow transfer, they have agreed to give it to her seeing as if she has chemo, she will die, and if she doesn't have it, she will die. Life sucks. She's being pumped full of plateletts and medication. It's terrable and heartbreaking.
We are in the process of packing and boxing up all our stock at the shop. It shall all be gone and my shopfront business over. We are going to try it online for the time being.
My neice Sharn came over last weekend, and we had a fun time. Dressing up and taking photo's (of her).
Burningleviathan, Sharn and I went out Staurday night and ended up going to the movies to see Silent Hill. I think I scared the cinema more than the movie at one point, because I accidently screamed.
I am such a girl, I scream at the slightest things. :p
to you all.
Life for me has not been the best. My bipolar has taken my life by the balls, and I'm feeling really fucked. I keep putting off getting a blood test because I hate needles, but the doctor thinks I may have Glandular Fever or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
A good friend of mine (I met her through her son, who gave me my first kiss, and she has helped me so much) has had her cancer come back. Badly. She's already had two lots of chemo, and although you are suppost to have had 3 lots of chemo before they will give you a bone marrow transfer, they have agreed to give it to her seeing as if she has chemo, she will die, and if she doesn't have it, she will die. Life sucks. She's being pumped full of plateletts and medication. It's terrable and heartbreaking.
We are in the process of packing and boxing up all our stock at the shop. It shall all be gone and my shopfront business over. We are going to try it online for the time being.

My neice Sharn came over last weekend, and we had a fun time. Dressing up and taking photo's (of her).
Burningleviathan, Sharn and I went out Staurday night and ended up going to the movies to see Silent Hill. I think I scared the cinema more than the movie at one point, because I accidently screamed.

i am in turmoil as of late. i like a boy who lives 3500 miles away...actually prolly more like 3800. GAH! i suck!
you can look at him here EVE TO ADAM
his name is taki
here also is a naughty pic that he may kill me for if he knew i was posting it on SG MUAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA