I need to invest in some new thigh high stockings.
This weekend has been great. I really love it when my parent's are away and it's just Adam and I (and my grandmother, who we basically don't see).
I actually ate three meals in one day yesterday, which I am proud of. Breakfast lunch and dinner. I made Adam and I a roast. We watched some Dead Like Me, and then Slither. (Mmmm Nathan Fillion). We just lounged around today. Didn't do overly much.
I entered two graphic competitions the other day on a site because I was bored. I got top placing in both of them. You can see the awards after the spoiler.
And yeah, I should goto bed. Really good weekend.
Mmmmmmm Nathan Fillion (except I can't look at him the same after Caleb in season 7 of Buffy)
Congrats on the awards
I LOVE IT when fishnets get ripped up, its sexy darling!