So, I went to the doctors, who sent me to the hospital
So basically I spent half the day at teh hospital. They thought it could ahve been bad reflux, but my doctor couldnt rule out a blocked artery, a blood clot
Which jsut freaked me out anymore. Now, before I go into detail or that, I'm okay, the hospital think it's either a) really bad reflux. b) 'The Pill' making me sick' c) or the offset of gastro showing itself in other symptems. I have to go back next week to the doctors for a while.
They took me into a side room pretty much straight away after they read the doctors letter. Then came the grueling task of trying to get blood out of me.
That is what I hate the most. The nurse wanted to puta fucking cathader in me! I freaked, now, I will have blood tests, I will usually let them poke me up to 4 or 5 times in reasonable area, but when they wantto put a needle into my arm, flush it with salty water and LEAVE IT IN THERE! No way, i flat out refused. They wanted it in there in case I needed medication administered, I said if that is the case it can be talked about IF it needs to. I said just do the bloods. Now, try number 1. My right inner elbow, where you usually get blood from, now, that was sucsessful... for one of 5 tubes tehy wanted, she wiggled it, and I heard a farting sound, later i asked adam 'was it just me or did the needle fart?" his reply "uh no, your blood squirted". Thank heavens I wasn't looking cause I would have passed out there and then. When she took out the needle she also managed to cut me around 1/2cm. It bled and bled and bled. Try number 2 was in the oppisite arm, same area, no veins, no blood found. I then started freaking out, so they gave me an ECG, laying down showing off my breasts as they stick funny blue sticky things on me
They then tried blood again for the 3rd time, this time was in my righ hand. OW. No blood. I hate when they put in in and they wiggle it around. She then gave up on me and sent me to go sit back with Adam, 10 minutes later they decided to admit me (I now have another hospital ID bracelet!) The doctor came and decided to try and get blood, que try 4. Now, this freaked me, because the doctor got this needle, with this freaky long syngine and blood sucker thing. I'm used to normal needles, or usually butterfly needles. Though she got me vein (right forearm, between wrist and elbow) and she drew out a hell of alot of blood and then poroceeded to squirt it into all the tubes. The doctors and nurses just love me
The doctor gotme some food because by them ut was 3pm and I had not eatten or had more than one can of drink that day. Now, I dunno what kind of meat was on the sandwich, Adam thinks it could have been roast beef, but I was so hungry I would have eatten anything. Time turned on and on. I was released around 5:10.
My mother has blocked atteries, she's had major surgery where her aorta was replaced with pig, not to mention her father, her grandmother, and her great grandfather all died of blocked atteries. At least these day's they can treat it if they find it. But fuck, if Im petrified to have a needle, imagine an operation.
I'm honestly really scared, and i know I have to loose the weight and such, it's just making things worse, but I kinda don't want to die. I really just was to be healthy. For chrustmas I'm going to ask Santa for good veins, do you think it will work?

They took me into a side room pretty much straight away after they read the doctors letter. Then came the grueling task of trying to get blood out of me.

The doctor gotme some food because by them ut was 3pm and I had not eatten or had more than one can of drink that day. Now, I dunno what kind of meat was on the sandwich, Adam thinks it could have been roast beef, but I was so hungry I would have eatten anything. Time turned on and on. I was released around 5:10.
My mother has blocked atteries, she's had major surgery where her aorta was replaced with pig, not to mention her father, her grandmother, and her great grandfather all died of blocked atteries. At least these day's they can treat it if they find it. But fuck, if Im petrified to have a needle, imagine an operation.
I'm honestly really scared, and i know I have to loose the weight and such, it's just making things worse, but I kinda don't want to die. I really just was to be healthy. For chrustmas I'm going to ask Santa for good veins, do you think it will work?
Hope you're okay now.