Lays night was awesome! I had a great time. I got to meet morgannahh, traceelement, PlatyPuz and Hellfaerie. The show was great and I really enjoyed it, apart from the pain I was in from my calf muscle practically shitting itself. I spent the evening barefoot. I had the lovely Miss Reagan run right in front of me and spray funny spray in my hair, and I have to say I adore Fanny and Nixon all the more.
I showed Adam around the city a little bit yesterday. We had dinner at the Soup Kitchen. I havn't had food from there for like 3 years when I practically lived in the city.
Anyway, I have to go now cause my neice is here
I showed Adam around the city a little bit yesterday. We had dinner at the Soup Kitchen. I havn't had food from there for like 3 years when I practically lived in the city.
Anyway, I have to go now cause my neice is here

Hopefully we will see you again soon! But that was one of the best nights eva!