Sleeeeeeeeeeepy. Been awake since 7:30 when Adam woke me for breakfast in bed. I'm sitting here in his robe trying to get the motivation to get up and get dresed for work. I have to work by myself til around 12:30 when Adam will come in and spend some time with me until he goes back to blacktown for Tafe. At least tonight will be the last time I am alone until 9ish. Bah. Don't want to cook dinner just for myself. OMG DINNER LAST NIGHT!! One word for it... awesome! It came out great. A roast Lamb (A little one that cost me all of $6!) And it fed Nan, Adam and myself! The potatoes and pumkin was just as I liked it too! And I made Gravy from the 'old day' recipy nan told me! So yummy! I was very proud of myself. I did it all on my own! Go me.
My eye's decided to be blue today (Photo taken 10 minutes ago). And my skin is looking good, though I still have discolouration around my eyes. What am I saying, I've had discolouration around my eyes for a few years now. When I did the Make up artistry course I got asked if I had makeup on. Nuh uh. My hair is really pink, I never really noticed just how pink it all is. I loff it. Though I can't wait till my birthday and my dreadlocks, my hair needs a break from the chemicals.

My eye's decided to be blue today (Photo taken 10 minutes ago). And my skin is looking good, though I still have discolouration around my eyes. What am I saying, I've had discolouration around my eyes for a few years now. When I did the Make up artistry course I got asked if I had makeup on. Nuh uh. My hair is really pink, I never really noticed just how pink it all is. I loff it. Though I can't wait till my birthday and my dreadlocks, my hair needs a break from the chemicals.
hey the hair looks amazing, your going to dread it
thats guna be hot overload
i LOVE pink dreads, i love dreads and i love them if there any colour, funky colours are beautiful tho

how are you lovely? how are you feeling?