Last night was great! My first official Valentines day, I have had roses for the past 4 years but never been involved with anyone. Adam had a job interveiw in the morning and I worked, when he came home he brought me a single red rose. We went to dinner and it was lovely. We went to the Hogs Breath, yeah, I like there food, and Adam really enjoyed it. We gave presents. I gave Adam a silver braclet, and I got white gold snake earrings which I adore. We then went and played arcade games, I am a total nerd for rally car racing and those shooting games. I won lots of tickets and lots of lollies. We than decided to go Ten Pin Bowling. Adam's never been bowling, and I used to compete. We had a blast! Later we went to the movies and saw 'Casanoa'.

Awww, you guys look so happy together! I love the new profile pic its soooo damn cute!