OMG today has been so. ARGH!!!
First off, bad night sleep. I had to be up early cause Mum and I where going shopping.
Just before we leave we get a phone call from my sister Samentha, she is having a panic attack. We go over to find her in nothing but a towel. After calming her down, we try to calm her 4 year old son down. Argh. Caleb, ended up fighting with mum, yelling at her "I hate you, Im gonna kill you, Im going to cut your throat". From a 4 year old!! He then proceeded to lock himself in the bathroom. We ended up leaving Sam calm and taking Caleb to preschool.
Mum and I spent until 4pm shopping. Yes, trying to find clothes for the wedding. Two different shopping centres. Did we find anything? No. I did get 5 bra's. (3 where $10, 2 where $8) and 3 tops.
We then get a phone call at 6 from Samentha, she was pulled over by the cops, AGAIN. This is the 2nd offense, so it could be a jail term. The car wasn't registered, she doesnt have a license and yeah. So that is another court case, another fine, and if it is a jail term, I get Caleb. To make things worse, she finds out her boyfriend of something like 4 months is flying down to Melbourne this weekend to fuck a 16 year old girl.
I then got into a fight with Mum and argh. im tired, and depressed, cranky and sick. I also have to work tomrrow. Adam gave me a foot massage, Im about ready to chop them off. I didn't have to cook dinner though, which was good. I'm currently watching lost and waiting to rinse the hair dye out of my hair.
First off, bad night sleep. I had to be up early cause Mum and I where going shopping.
Just before we leave we get a phone call from my sister Samentha, she is having a panic attack. We go over to find her in nothing but a towel. After calming her down, we try to calm her 4 year old son down. Argh. Caleb, ended up fighting with mum, yelling at her "I hate you, Im gonna kill you, Im going to cut your throat". From a 4 year old!! He then proceeded to lock himself in the bathroom. We ended up leaving Sam calm and taking Caleb to preschool.
Mum and I spent until 4pm shopping. Yes, trying to find clothes for the wedding. Two different shopping centres. Did we find anything? No. I did get 5 bra's. (3 where $10, 2 where $8) and 3 tops.
We then get a phone call at 6 from Samentha, she was pulled over by the cops, AGAIN. This is the 2nd offense, so it could be a jail term. The car wasn't registered, she doesnt have a license and yeah. So that is another court case, another fine, and if it is a jail term, I get Caleb. To make things worse, she finds out her boyfriend of something like 4 months is flying down to Melbourne this weekend to fuck a 16 year old girl.
I then got into a fight with Mum and argh. im tired, and depressed, cranky and sick. I also have to work tomrrow. Adam gave me a foot massage, Im about ready to chop them off. I didn't have to cook dinner though, which was good. I'm currently watching lost and waiting to rinse the hair dye out of my hair.
here is a
feel better!