I start back at work tomorrow. Just one day a week to start off at, see how I go. burningleviathian is coming in and keeping me company. I need to remember how to do everything again

On Monday we caught a bus into Blacktown in 35degree weather. OMG so hot!! We went and saw Narnia, I cried like a baby even though I knew the story. We had Nando's for lunch, and seriously, that chicken taste's like heaven!
And, now some pics.

Crazy Ginny.

And that is my Number One man, Mister Frodo. He's all drowsy and sleepy cause it's when him and I had snuggled up after he had his operation last week. I was so worried about him, he's my everything.
oh but you give me too much credit, love.
thanks thanks. its what i do. yeayyy for snakeys.