My sleep pattern is fucked. I keep having bad nightmares and what not, luckily Adam is here to wake me when things get bad.
My left side of my lip hurts like hell. Its swollen very badly and just ow. The peircing keeps sinking into the gum. I may have to go see a peircer about it. You can kind of see in the following pictures, but the right side is doing a-ok!!
last picture is of my Adam
I'm going to make him sit down and watch Dirty Dancing now!
My left side of my lip hurts like hell. Its swollen very badly and just ow. The peircing keeps sinking into the gum. I may have to go see a peircer about it. You can kind of see in the following pictures, but the right side is doing a-ok!!

last picture is of my Adam

when i lived on my original coast (the east which is BEST!!)
i used to take off just about once a week. if it was snowing i would try and drive to the place where it was snowing the most!
can't do that here though