I should update with something of substance. Christmas was okay. I got lots of cool presents! My fave being the Gilmore Girls boxset DVDs, season 1 - 5!!
And a Lord of the rings chess set!!
On boxing day we went and saw King Kong with my Brother and his fiance aswell as her two children. It was a great movie! I was a little teary eyed.
Had a good New Years, didn't do nothing much interesting, just stayed at home with BurningLeviathan, watched the fireworks on TV and then watched Moulin Rouge.
My overies hurt

On boxing day we went and saw King Kong with my Brother and his fiance aswell as her two children. It was a great movie! I was a little teary eyed.
Had a good New Years, didn't do nothing much interesting, just stayed at home with BurningLeviathan, watched the fireworks on TV and then watched Moulin Rouge.
My overies hurt

ya king kong was a kick ass movie i just got a 14" roaring doll!!!