Guess I should update some
The last week was not so good, it was the one year anniversary of my best friends death. I took it bad. Well very bad. Think bad, and times it by 1287.
Yesterday I got my photo taken with Santa! Its a tradition with my grandmother and I. I also got one taken with BurningLeviathan
We minded my nephew for a few hours tonight, he wanted to come round Grannies for some food. It was great to see him again. He says the funniest things. His new obsession is marrage. He is 4. He want sto get married. To anyone, boy or girl, and yes, its just adorable.
Im also in the process of deciding to get either two more lip rings (one each side of my labret) or buy online some DE dreads, but I cant find any at a reasonable price and the $Au is pretty sucky, plus, im broke. Any links to good places??
Im also gonna dye my hair again, I think the yellow and orange just isnt for me
Plus my mum always complains about it.

The last week was not so good, it was the one year anniversary of my best friends death. I took it bad. Well very bad. Think bad, and times it by 1287.
Yesterday I got my photo taken with Santa! Its a tradition with my grandmother and I. I also got one taken with BurningLeviathan

We minded my nephew for a few hours tonight, he wanted to come round Grannies for some food. It was great to see him again. He says the funniest things. His new obsession is marrage. He is 4. He want sto get married. To anyone, boy or girl, and yes, its just adorable.
Im also in the process of deciding to get either two more lip rings (one each side of my labret) or buy online some DE dreads, but I cant find any at a reasonable price and the $Au is pretty sucky, plus, im broke. Any links to good places??
Im also gonna dye my hair again, I think the yellow and orange just isnt for me

I was gonna get a mullet wig. Does that count? 

Hey thanks for the nice comment
..i've added you...are you coming to the meet up on jan 6? take care