I leave to go to Sydney (and Melbourne) this Wednesday. I'm rather nervous about flying alone. I'm looking forward to seeing my family though!
My mother is in hospital again. Since Thrusday. If all tests come back okay, hopefully she shall be out Monday. They don't know what's wrong. It could be her heart, or a hiatus hernia.
It seems so official that I'm leaving SG now, I'm kind of sad. I clicked the little button telling them not to renew my accout. I'll be gone by mid December. I went though all the PSW group and deleted my sets. I had over 10 up. I didn't realise I had so many! No more naked me on the interweb. It's a little odd.... Read More
Sydney Nov 26th-Dec 6th.
Melbourne Dec 6th- Dec 8th?
I miss home very much, so I am looking forward to seeing family and friends. I have a feeling I am going to be a busy little bee. I also can't wait to have a Sydney Kebab, sorry Yiros. LOL.
Update time? I keep forgetting I have a blog here, I never know what to say. I'm always over at Livejournal. I think I fit in better over there.
Adam and I went to my firends birthda on Saturday! Had a great time. I like Adelaide, and I like that I seem to have friends here. More than I did in Sydney. Maybe people are... Read More
I have my computer back! Everything in My Documents was saved, and it ended up only costing me $140!
Went to Semahore Jetty the other night with havokinblack his friend Sarah, plain_jane and her man (who's name I have forgotten! Sorry!). It was much fun. Brad bought along his puppy Barkley who is way too gorgeous!!
I'm reading the books that the TV show 'True... Read More
I have never been to a high school reunion,i think there was one maybe 5-6 years ago but i couldnt be arsed sorting it out,hell i left high school in 1981 and to be honest,i to had no real intention of going when i probably would have had anything in common with those people,so which High School didja go to,i went to Seven Hills High.
It seems now days that Hollywood has run out of ideas for moofies,its all just remakes after remake but the good thing is that with new technology,average films from years ago now have the potential to be great,i think i'll wait for Journey to come out on dvd then i can relax at home and watch it..yeah ima bit of a movie snob haha
Oh and from your last journal,im glad your ok now and it was a canula you got not a catheter,catheters(usually) are put into ya bladder to drain away wee..and im sure you would remember that
Hmm that pic of you with the glasses is very nice indeed x
This morning I got rushed to emergancy, due to my own stupidity. I didn't look at the ceral carton properly, poured myself out, and ate a whole bowl of Crunchy Nut. What am I highly allergic to? Yes, nuts. Crunchy nut is 7% peanuts.
My throat swelled majorly, I wanted to reach my hand down it and scratch. My ears ached, and my tounge went... Read More
My computer died. Well, it has blue screened. FUCK!
It is super sucky because my whole 'job' revolves around me having my computer and the internet! I don't know when we can get it fixed either, if they can save all my data, or how much it will cost. FUCK!
It doesn't help that I need to save about $1000 for December, which just isn't... Read More
Congratulations!!...How on earth do you remember them all??
A girl at my work, her dog has the same thing but not so seriously that it requires preventative treatment. Give poor Frodo a smooch on the top of his head for me
I hope your financial woes don't prevent your Twilight plans.
I've been in a really big funk lately, and I don't know why. I'm sleeping the weirdest hours, and even when I stay up 30hours to try and get a decent night sleep, it just doesn't seem to work.
I slept all day today. Well, I woke up at 4:30am, then went back to bed at 10:30am, woke up at 6pm for dinner, fell back... Read More
Ahh thats my sleep pattern right there,but i guess im kinda used to it,for someone who isnt i can imagine it to be a total nightmare-not saying i enjoy it but im used to it-have you been to the doctors yet ?
Those phantom smells are odd,maybe you should get the doc to check them also,what kindof stuff are you smelling
So yeah, I have a virus flu thingy. No medication, just rest, so I've been sleeping up to 16 hours a day! I have to say, I love beds. My bed is comfy, I could just lie in it forever. I am a big fan of sleeping, even if I do have nightmares often.
I've been trying to save money, those who know me, know... Read More
Thanks for the Harbour Town tip! Have you tried Booby Trap on Donald Bradman Drive? I went there today and they have every size imagineable! And alot of it was surprisingly alright-looking and very, very cheap (everything under $30).
I don't think I have seen you with aqua hair before...very pretty
You are so adorable. I think of you often, mostly because I know your brain functions similar to mine. Its not easy to deal with and many people don't understand. I love your pics, they are always so creative. Hope you are doing well ladyloves
Hope your mumma is much better when you get there
Im sure i'll see you soon