You've been through a lot, and as far as I can see you've chosen not to talk about it all that much here on SG. That's fine, whatever works for you is what you should do. But if you did want to talk about it more, there are some people here who would read it with interest, and who hope you're doing okay. Of course, most of us are just your internet friends, what's important is the people who are there for you in real life, so, like I said, do what works for you.
You've been through a lot, and as far as I can see you've chosen not to talk about it all that much here on SG. That's fine, whatever works for you is what you should do. But if you did want to talk about it more, there are some people here who would read it with interest, and who hope you're doing okay. Of course, most of us are just your internet friends, what's important is the people who are there for you in real life, so, like I said, do what works for you.