So I mean to write something but I don't know what to say
This senseless rambling is helping me reconnect with my head, witch i have been try to disconnect from for years, just piles of shit strewed through internet profiles of where ever my mind was wrapped up at the moment. Comments filled with displaced anger at myself or others, things barely making sense sentence to sentence, These events seem to happened at a pointed time frame, but my ration for dealing with everything hasn't surface yet, or at least won't stay put.
I wanna go to sleep
but I can't
This senseless rambling is helping me reconnect with my head, witch i have been try to disconnect from for years, just piles of shit strewed through internet profiles of where ever my mind was wrapped up at the moment. Comments filled with displaced anger at myself or others, things barely making sense sentence to sentence, These events seem to happened at a pointed time frame, but my ration for dealing with everything hasn't surface yet, or at least won't stay put.
I wanna go to sleep
but I can't
and for christs sake, get some damn sleep, son.