You're not friends
You'll never be friends
You'll be in love until it kills you both
You'll fight,
and you'll shag,
and you'll hate each other til it makes you quiver
But you'll never be friends
Love isn't brains, children,
it's blood
screaming inside you to work it's will
I may be love's bitch,
but at least I'm man enough to admit it.
Buffy-Season Three
You'll never be friends
You'll be in love until it kills you both
You'll fight,
and you'll shag,
and you'll hate each other til it makes you quiver
But you'll never be friends
Love isn't brains, children,
it's blood
screaming inside you to work it's will
I may be love's bitch,
but at least I'm man enough to admit it.
Buffy-Season Three
that quote always gives me the shivers

I have that quote on my MySpace account...