Okay...talked to the SG boy that I have a crush on....who will remain nameless...on the phone for 2 hours last night....mmmm...he's yummy....but lives way to far away to ever really....
sorry sweetie....
Not only did I change my hair color...which was supposed to be brunnette but is actually now very red....but I chopped it all off too....yay...no more long hair making me hot in this nasty humid weather....now my neck is cool...what the hell am I yammering about?
I need to get someone to take a pic of me to post up here...I don't really have any current pics of me...
If anyone is actually reading this....has anyone happened to ever see that really weird middle eastern total request music video show that comes on Wybe on Sundays at noon? If you haven't seen it and you want to see something totally bizarre and really hysterical..check it out..actually, I don't think it's just middle eastern...I think they show videos from various countries...like I think I remember seeing some Swedish videos on there too....seriously, you have to watch it to get the full scope of the absurdity of it...today there was some mac daddy Indian guy trying to rap with all of these chicks dancing around him...
I think I'll become a lesbian.

Not only did I change my hair color...which was supposed to be brunnette but is actually now very red....but I chopped it all off too....yay...no more long hair making me hot in this nasty humid weather....now my neck is cool...what the hell am I yammering about?
I need to get someone to take a pic of me to post up here...I don't really have any current pics of me...
If anyone is actually reading this....has anyone happened to ever see that really weird middle eastern total request music video show that comes on Wybe on Sundays at noon? If you haven't seen it and you want to see something totally bizarre and really hysterical..check it out..actually, I don't think it's just middle eastern...I think they show videos from various countries...like I think I remember seeing some Swedish videos on there too....seriously, you have to watch it to get the full scope of the absurdity of it...today there was some mac daddy Indian guy trying to rap with all of these chicks dancing around him...

I think I'll become a lesbian.