Well, it's 7:28 in the morning on a Friday and I haven't slept all night again....uuuggghhh.....just thought I'd finally start writing in my journal since I've been signed on as a member for like two months but I've never graced you all with my presence. So here I am. But now I'm leaving because I smell coffee....
Okay, I think I'm adding a comment to my own journal entry because I don't know how to get back to my journal. I just made the mistake of reading my ex's (yes he is a member but will remain nameless because even though he seems to think I'm a heartless bitch, I am not...) journal entries. And yes, he was talking about all of the hate he has for me....it was sad and difficult to hear. Does he think that he is the only one hurting from all of this? The only one that needs to release frustrations? And I still haven't figured out what the hell I did that was so incredibly inhuman to him...unless he thinks that trying to love him to no avail for years is an awful thing to do. I just want to get on with my life which is actually pretty damn good these days! So, I wish he would get over it and stop venting about me online. On a different topic....I think I'm in love with someone who doesn't know it...and probably won't know it because I don't have the balls to tell him...to face the possible rejection of it all....I mean technically I'm already seeing a couple of people....but this person is different...he makes my heart very happy