Hi guys. How are you all?
It's been a long while from my last post. Sorry sorry sorry :(
In April I've been several days always on tour around Europe and Italy for work. I've been different days in Sicily and down here I'll attach some of my favorite pics taken by @lucadenardo <3 it's always a big pleasure to work with him.
Then after Sicily I went for my first time in Formentera (in Spain). I didn't slept the night that day, cause with all my company of friends we had the flight from Rome at 6 am, and some of them arrived in Rome almost at 11 pm, and so after dinner it was completely useless to book a hotel room. And so we went to visit Rome by night. Oh guys.. Rome during the night, with no traffic, no tourists, no nothing.. is gorgeous. Rome by night is absolutely fantastic.
And the after some hours, we finally landed in Ibiza! We took hydrofoil and we arrived to the island. The sea, so much vegetation, many .. so much different and wonderful locations! I felt immediately in love with Formentera. I stayed in San Francesc Xavier, but with the car it was not so difficult to move ourself from one place to another. The sea, is amazingly blu. The weather was just perfect.. and of course, many many pictures!
These are just a small taste of 3 days of full immersion in photography.
And I also want to share with all of you an amazing picture that @lucadenardo did to me on the island
For me this picture is a piece of art. I'm absolutely in love it. Thank you Luca, thank you for all the amazing possibilities you're continuing to giving to me.
I think April was a great month. Oh 14th April, in Milan, with @riae and @slim we did a shooting that immediately was published on GQ Italia. So happy about this publication and here some preview for you <3
Yesterday I received the notice that... from today you can find me on the new issue of Playboy Mexico!!! If someone of you live or will be in Mexico, let me know what do you think about the entire photoset. Here is just a taste <3
P.s. Just so you won' forget, in 1 months and 3 weeks my new photoset taken by @lucadenardo will be online in Member Review:
And my last two sets, one shot by @lucadenardo in couple with my angel @ultima
FUR AND LEATHER shoted by @thelabrat during my last trip to LA
are still in Member Review. Take a look if you haven't seen them yet <3
Hugs and kisses
Nat <3