I now dub this week: 'Hangover Week'.
Monday: I went to the Matador to see my old friend Keebler DJ. Got very wasted and broke the electronic punching game.
Tuesday: Went back to the Matador cause my friend Jedediah was bartending and hosting "Tighty-WhiteyPalooza". Had too many shots of Old Crow Burbon.
Wednesday: I cant even remember what I did after work cause I spent my whole shift drinking more Whiskey. Ouch.
Thursday: I went to Dante's for my friend Private Mike's art show. Ended up at the Tube and later the B-Side where I fell over and the bartender cut me off.
Friday: Gotta go to Devil's Point and see THE BEST BAND EVER - The Darlins. They got a song named after little old me.
I'm gonna go drink a gallon of water to prepare tonight... maybe take a shower so that I wont smell like a brewery. Oh yeah, but first I think I am gonna post some new pics I took at work yesterday. Enjoy!
Monday: I went to the Matador to see my old friend Keebler DJ. Got very wasted and broke the electronic punching game.
Tuesday: Went back to the Matador cause my friend Jedediah was bartending and hosting "Tighty-WhiteyPalooza". Had too many shots of Old Crow Burbon.
Wednesday: I cant even remember what I did after work cause I spent my whole shift drinking more Whiskey. Ouch.
Thursday: I went to Dante's for my friend Private Mike's art show. Ended up at the Tube and later the B-Side where I fell over and the bartender cut me off.
Friday: Gotta go to Devil's Point and see THE BEST BAND EVER - The Darlins. They got a song named after little old me.
I'm gonna go drink a gallon of water to prepare tonight... maybe take a shower so that I wont smell like a brewery. Oh yeah, but first I think I am gonna post some new pics I took at work yesterday. Enjoy!

I had some epic hangovers this week also, but only two. I don't normally really get hung over, but maaan was I feeling it this weekend. That's what I get for mixing my boozes I suppose.
ooohhh, no mixie the boozes!