alright. so since i am not angry all the time, i thought i should write a journal to that effect. lol.
this past week as been filled with ups and downs and at times i just wanted to snap. but i didn't somehow. so i went in for my second interview for bluenotes which was pretty much just a meet and greet with the manager at the pickering store adn we got along quite nicely. so now i have the final interview on tuesday adn i am hella nervous. i wouldnt' be so nervous if i knew whether or not i was the only one beign interviewed for the position. i also have no clue if this is a real interview, or more so the district manager wants to meet me and make sure i am as great as the manager who did the first interview said. and then comes the waiting, which i am really dreading. the manager at the pickerign store made it seem as though i was the only one, so hopefully the district manager will love me adn hire me right away as they need an assistant manager asap.
so then i woke up two days ago feelign like death. most likely brought on by this stupid battle with that chick and the fact that i got caught out in a downpour while walkign home from chapters. either way i was hella sick and wanted to die. luckily the next day adrian came up here and we watched lots of will ferrell (old school and anchorman since he hasn't seen them and we both LOVE will ferrell to death, even if i can't spell his name) and adrian made me dinner and we spent the rest of the night cuddling. today i woke up feelign much better but still a little wonky.
went to work which was not that bad adn i was working with the bitch of the manager. i bought my old man grey and aqua blue plaid pants that i have wanted FOREVER and then went to bluenotes and bought a couple of shirts. it was great cuz i was able to see allison who was the first manager i interviewed with and i thanked her sooooooo much for giving me so many opportunities to work there. adn the other guy workign worked at esprit before so we trashtalked my manager for a bit. it was a lot of fun. then i was lucky enough to get a ride home from the girl i was closing with and it wasn't as awkward as i thought it was. it's funny how i am finally getting along with ppl when it looks like i am leaving soon *fingers crossed*
so now i am off to meet up with a friend and drink some beer and then pass out in a drunken stupor and be all horny. stupid bf living in t. or maybe stupid me for living in ajax. it works either way.
this past week as been filled with ups and downs and at times i just wanted to snap. but i didn't somehow. so i went in for my second interview for bluenotes which was pretty much just a meet and greet with the manager at the pickering store adn we got along quite nicely. so now i have the final interview on tuesday adn i am hella nervous. i wouldnt' be so nervous if i knew whether or not i was the only one beign interviewed for the position. i also have no clue if this is a real interview, or more so the district manager wants to meet me and make sure i am as great as the manager who did the first interview said. and then comes the waiting, which i am really dreading. the manager at the pickerign store made it seem as though i was the only one, so hopefully the district manager will love me adn hire me right away as they need an assistant manager asap.
so then i woke up two days ago feelign like death. most likely brought on by this stupid battle with that chick and the fact that i got caught out in a downpour while walkign home from chapters. either way i was hella sick and wanted to die. luckily the next day adrian came up here and we watched lots of will ferrell (old school and anchorman since he hasn't seen them and we both LOVE will ferrell to death, even if i can't spell his name) and adrian made me dinner and we spent the rest of the night cuddling. today i woke up feelign much better but still a little wonky.
went to work which was not that bad adn i was working with the bitch of the manager. i bought my old man grey and aqua blue plaid pants that i have wanted FOREVER and then went to bluenotes and bought a couple of shirts. it was great cuz i was able to see allison who was the first manager i interviewed with and i thanked her sooooooo much for giving me so many opportunities to work there. adn the other guy workign worked at esprit before so we trashtalked my manager for a bit. it was a lot of fun. then i was lucky enough to get a ride home from the girl i was closing with and it wasn't as awkward as i thought it was. it's funny how i am finally getting along with ppl when it looks like i am leaving soon *fingers crossed*
so now i am off to meet up with a friend and drink some beer and then pass out in a drunken stupor and be all horny. stupid bf living in t. or maybe stupid me for living in ajax. it works either way.
Good luck with the interview. I've got a good feeling about it.