this heat is killing my brain slowly. so this post will involve as few words as possible.
anniversary was killer. got yummy thai food, watched american wedding cuz adrian loves allison hannigan, drank beer. had one of the most amazing sleeps ever. since his whole family is gone, i get the luxury of falling asleep in his INSANELY comfy bed and waking up in his bed in his airconditioned house. a girl could ger used to this.
today i woke up and went to my interview at boathouse. they are hiring full-time keyholders. i so need this job. and it just goes to show that tattoos can work in your advatage when teh manager interviewing you is thinking of getting one herself. so i really really really hope i get the job as i only have ONE shift AGAIN next week at espirt. i think this is the managers way of being like, "i have no legitimate reason to fire you, but just cuz i don't like you i am going to only give you one shift when i promised you more and i am going to give teh new girl 3 more shifts than you, the person i am supposed to be promoting in august cuz i'm a fuckign selfish immature whore you can't accpet the fact that ppl are different!" and yes, that did feel good.
now i must do shit around teh house before i head back to t. for another two nights. take care my darliings. and i must say that i was most impressed with both new sets today. and i am hard to impress.
anniversary was killer. got yummy thai food, watched american wedding cuz adrian loves allison hannigan, drank beer. had one of the most amazing sleeps ever. since his whole family is gone, i get the luxury of falling asleep in his INSANELY comfy bed and waking up in his bed in his airconditioned house. a girl could ger used to this.
today i woke up and went to my interview at boathouse. they are hiring full-time keyholders. i so need this job. and it just goes to show that tattoos can work in your advatage when teh manager interviewing you is thinking of getting one herself. so i really really really hope i get the job as i only have ONE shift AGAIN next week at espirt. i think this is the managers way of being like, "i have no legitimate reason to fire you, but just cuz i don't like you i am going to only give you one shift when i promised you more and i am going to give teh new girl 3 more shifts than you, the person i am supposed to be promoting in august cuz i'm a fuckign selfish immature whore you can't accpet the fact that ppl are different!" and yes, that did feel good.
now i must do shit around teh house before i head back to t. for another two nights. take care my darliings. and i must say that i was most impressed with both new sets today. and i am hard to impress.

What would you be doing at a boathouse?
happy anniversary! Dont fry the brain!
good luck with the job dahling