alright my lovelies, i am back. i will have pics and stories tomorrow once i get the pics developed and then scan them. there are some pics of myself and an inflatable dinosaur in some compromising situations so you all have something to look forward to.
adrian and i got into a fight today which has put me in such a crusty mood. he was a dick all day and that made me all bitchy and then he got more mad because i was bitchy and he is uber crusty and i sit here super worried that shit has been fucked up with us now. and with 6 days until the big 6 monther with us, i am even more worried that we might not make it there. i love him so much and i am so afraid of losing him. especially after what happened on our first night at the cottage. we did E and shrooms and drank some beer and i ended up tripping out really badly and puking for a good hour or so. i thought i was goign to die. and the whole time he sat beside me and held me and told me everything was going to be okay. and since i couldn't go in the tent cuz it was freaking me out, i curled up into a ball with my head on his lap and forced him to hold me in the most uncomfortable position ever for 2 hours. and he didn't complain the whole time. he told me he was so worried that i was goign to die and that he loved me so much and he was so scarred. and the next morning when we woke up beside each other, we had never been closer. our lives now inextricably intertwined. i had my near death experience with him and now i am so afraid to lose him.
oh well. hopefully tomorrow he will call me and everything will be okay again.
3 more days until my bday!!!!
adrian and i got into a fight today which has put me in such a crusty mood. he was a dick all day and that made me all bitchy and then he got more mad because i was bitchy and he is uber crusty and i sit here super worried that shit has been fucked up with us now. and with 6 days until the big 6 monther with us, i am even more worried that we might not make it there. i love him so much and i am so afraid of losing him. especially after what happened on our first night at the cottage. we did E and shrooms and drank some beer and i ended up tripping out really badly and puking for a good hour or so. i thought i was goign to die. and the whole time he sat beside me and held me and told me everything was going to be okay. and since i couldn't go in the tent cuz it was freaking me out, i curled up into a ball with my head on his lap and forced him to hold me in the most uncomfortable position ever for 2 hours. and he didn't complain the whole time. he told me he was so worried that i was goign to die and that he loved me so much and he was so scarred. and the next morning when we woke up beside each other, we had never been closer. our lives now inextricably intertwined. i had my near death experience with him and now i am so afraid to lose him.
oh well. hopefully tomorrow he will call me and everything will be okay again.
3 more days until my bday!!!!
awh im sorry ayll are fighting again -snarl-
wtf yall are fine hell you already fight like yer married.
i think he realizes what a catch with you
good luck and congrats on the upcomign six monther
girl seriously so what you got all drunk and plastered.... it happens and thats a bit dangerous so of course yall got sick. but seriously he sounds like he cares a lot and just gets cranky over small stuff
youre freting small stuff too. relax you two
happy upcoming bday
we dont have to drink in spirit ill get out my cam or something hehe
and oh yeah definitely i must definitely visit canadia!
asap eh
so whats so damned good about canadia eh
last i checked the best things about it are all off limits