well it was a nice little treat as always to have adrian come to ajax. we made dinner for my dad and drank some beer and smokes some dope and it was a nice night. the best part was watching the lightening together until 1am or so. not that storms make me horny, but for some reason i feel that i should be having sex during them. i am not quite sure why.
i also got a phone call for another job interview at reitmen's. not my first pick, but since i took out my last facial piercing last night (my beloved madonna, *robot tear*) i figured that i might as well go in for the interview. the manager loved me so that was cool and there are a number of stores that are hiring right now but she knows that i need fulltime. so she is checking my references and then getting me in for a second interview. GO ME!!! and tomorrow is my first day at espirt which i am very much looking forward to. i love working, and i love working even more when it's in a clothing store.
so tonight i am just going to chill in and make angel food cake which is my bro's fav which he will get none of because he was such a dick this morning. he was being such a dick to my dad and i and then decided to freak out when our printer wouldnt' work so i told him to leave the room so i coudl fix it. and ya...he wouldn't leave. so then i had to try and push him out of the room and he grabs my wrists and starts to fling me all over the place eventually throwing me into a wall. so ya. i love my brother, but he does this all teh time and i am tired of takign his shit as my dad choses to not say anything. so no angel food cake for him.
and i have figured otu what i want to do for a set. it is going to involve lots of pink and green and a friend's extremely insane room with shit glued all over the walls. it's amazing. it's the kind of room that you would either love to be on acid in, or you would hate cuz it wouldn't stop tripping you out. but i will most likely wait until after my bday so that i will have my chest piece. and i still have to ask said friend who is really a friend of my bfs. so that should be interesting. and i still have to wait until september to send in another set as the other's were not up to par. *robot tear* so hopefully come september, i will be naked on the net.
i also got a phone call for another job interview at reitmen's. not my first pick, but since i took out my last facial piercing last night (my beloved madonna, *robot tear*) i figured that i might as well go in for the interview. the manager loved me so that was cool and there are a number of stores that are hiring right now but she knows that i need fulltime. so she is checking my references and then getting me in for a second interview. GO ME!!! and tomorrow is my first day at espirt which i am very much looking forward to. i love working, and i love working even more when it's in a clothing store.
so tonight i am just going to chill in and make angel food cake which is my bro's fav which he will get none of because he was such a dick this morning. he was being such a dick to my dad and i and then decided to freak out when our printer wouldnt' work so i told him to leave the room so i coudl fix it. and ya...he wouldn't leave. so then i had to try and push him out of the room and he grabs my wrists and starts to fling me all over the place eventually throwing me into a wall. so ya. i love my brother, but he does this all teh time and i am tired of takign his shit as my dad choses to not say anything. so no angel food cake for him.
and i have figured otu what i want to do for a set. it is going to involve lots of pink and green and a friend's extremely insane room with shit glued all over the walls. it's amazing. it's the kind of room that you would either love to be on acid in, or you would hate cuz it wouldn't stop tripping you out. but i will most likely wait until after my bday so that i will have my chest piece. and i still have to ask said friend who is really a friend of my bfs. so that should be interesting. and i still have to wait until september to send in another set as the other's were not up to par. *robot tear* so hopefully come september, i will be naked on the net.

Good luck with the interview, mmm the storm / lighting thing for me just makes me want to be close to someone to share the experience with and well if it involves sex all the better.