HEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so a date and a time has been established for this karaoke night. so everyone go and check out the SGCanadaEast Group and mark it in your calenders. i expect to see all of you from tdot or the GTA to be there!!!! *shakes fist* even if you don't sing, which unless i get really hammed, i won't, it's a great opportunity to come...
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Fucking leprechauns... Always ripping off my stuff.

omg, i am so hung over. so my friend dale called me last night and invited me to come and drink some beer with him and a few of his buddies in a backyard. with nothign else to do, i decided i would. well i drank 3 beers in the backyard cuz apparently i had to catch up with the guys who had been drinking...
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Wow. You still do better than me. I had 3 or 4 drinks Saturday night and was completely trashed. I made a complete ass of myself. Ah well. It was just like every other Saturday night for me I suppose.
[Edited because I'm tired and forgot important words in the middle of sentences - I hate insomnia!]
[Edited on Aug 01, 2005 9:59AM]
[Edited because I'm tired and forgot important words in the middle of sentences - I hate insomnia!]
[Edited on Aug 01, 2005 9:59AM]
alright. so since i am not angry all the time, i thought i should write a journal to that effect. lol.
this past week as been filled with ups and downs and at times i just wanted to snap. but i didn't somehow. so i went in for my second interview for bluenotes which was pretty much just a meet and greet with the manager...
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this past week as been filled with ups and downs and at times i just wanted to snap. but i didn't somehow. so i went in for my second interview for bluenotes which was pretty much just a meet and greet with the manager...
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Good luck with the interview. I've got a good feeling about it.

well then. what do you do when someone stomps on my feelings and pulls on your heartstrings? what do you do when despite how sad they have made you, you still try and help them and get shat on?
first off, this is my journal and i can post what i want to on it. i will not feel bad for that. if you start...
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first off, this is my journal and i can post what i want to on it. i will not feel bad for that. if you start...
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eta -- i'm not getting involved.
[Edited on Jul 30, 2005 3:54AM]
[Edited on Jul 30, 2005 3:54AM]
you learn never to help ppl... there is no point to having friends anyway
today has been such, what i affectionately call, a "blah, yuck, grrr" day.
so where to start. shit hit the fan more so with the girly i mentioned in my last post. then she told me that she wants to be friends with me still. i am still jaded. and since there was no apology, i am not quite sure what to do yet.
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so where to start. shit hit the fan more so with the girly i mentioned in my last post. then she told me that she wants to be friends with me still. i am still jaded. and since there was no apology, i am not quite sure what to do yet.
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when people are rude to me, i give them a lot of attitude to show them they can't treat me like that.
i hope you feel better soon.
i hope you feel better soon.

thanks for the add to the friends and the compliments gorgeous

ouch. ouch pure and simple.
WARNING: i am sooooo angry right now and even though there may (and i use that term loosely) reason that this may have happened, i am angry and i am going to rant about it. however i do have enough tact to not say who this person is.
so there was a girl that i met who decided she wanted...
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WARNING: i am sooooo angry right now and even though there may (and i use that term loosely) reason that this may have happened, i am angry and i am going to rant about it. however i do have enough tact to not say who this person is.
so there was a girl that i met who decided she wanted...
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ah, sweetie, i'm sorry to hear about crap like this. chin up, you know you hae people in your corner.

TY hunny! I'll be working on it for a while :/
wow, sometimes i get surprised by how much i suck. i was supposed to call Loki to getogether for tattooage and it slipped my mind. i called her the next day btu wasn't able to get in touch with. i think we have sorted stuff out right now but i still feel liek such ass. so everyone go adn give her hugs adn tell her...
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its okay darling!!
shit happens, we all forget stuff sometimes
its okay darling!!
shit happens, we all forget stuff sometimes

I feel shitty too! We should've tried calling more. We do suck! I'm sorry Loki
so a better update for everyone. i just spent the last couple of days in toronto at adrian's house. they have started to pull up the old flooring and put in the new one in the livingroom/dining room, so there is furniture EVERYWHERE. luckily they didn't start until 10ish both days i was there so my mornings werent' so early. mornings and i have not...
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I am glad for your tummy not being suicidal. The tummy is such a melodramatic organ...
Hope you get that job! Mucho Luck-o!
Hope you get that job! Mucho Luck-o!
You touched on some of my thoughts and patterns exactly in regards to quitting smoking. You know you want to quit but you're always looking for a reason to start again. A scapegoat even. "Is this thing stressful enough for me to start again without everyone getting on my case about it?" It's horrible. I'm trying to avoid that line of thinking this time as a priority or I'll never get anything done.
i went today with adrian and my friend KismetsSugar to get either more metal or more ink. well since i had NO clue what ink i wanted to get on a whim adn without my tattoo artist being there, i decided to get some more metal. so i got two bottom navel piercings so it looks like i have a horizontal surface piercing below...
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i went today with adrian and my friend KismetsSugar to get either more metal or more ink. well since i had NO clue what ink i wanted to get on a whim adn without my tattoo artist being there, i decided to get some more metal. so i got two bottom navel piercings so it looks like i have a horizontal surface piercing below...
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oh. okay then.
guess you didn't want your piercing too did you?
guess you didn't want your piercing too did you?
You're welcome doll, it was my pleasure!
after talking to a wonderful friend on the site, they told me that the reason i may not have been accepted to shoot with oryx, might have been my journals. she said that even though she knows i am a strong, beautiful and independent women, my constant posts about my relationship might not reflect that. ppl want to know who i am and what i...
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Whenever someone else has to pass judgement on you, they will be 99.9% wrong about who you are and what you know yourself to be and be capable of.
Remember I am your friend till the end.
SG is a fun passtime or a job for some, but it shouldn't affect how you think or feel about yourself and your life. Don't let it get you down. HUGZ.
There will be ink and metal soon together, so that's something to look forward to cuz I'll get to see ya.
Remember I am your friend till the end.
SG is a fun passtime or a job for some, but it shouldn't affect how you think or feel about yourself and your life. Don't let it get you down. HUGZ.
There will be ink and metal soon together, so that's something to look forward to cuz I'll get to see ya.
you do make a difference just by living, and by talking about this shit. i think you are so strong and so fucking kickass. i'm sorry for all the bad shit that happened to you. i've had a lot of bad shit in my life too, psych wards and abuse and things of that nature. but we're both fucking survivors and we make it through.
you rock, girl.
you rock, girl.