hey all...so due to lack of people for the next SG event its postponed...until...yeah i dont know...or someone else can take over as SG planner...im postponing/canceling b/c only 4 people have sort of gotten back to me...so someone give me some good dates or something for us to do...
not so much new...my family has finally pushed me over the top...but whatevs i shall get over it...my guitar guy *drools* is gone for the summer
...im going to Vancouver in august
...i was just asked out by an 18 year old guy with a preggers girl
...i fucked up my knee last night when i fell down my basement stairs
...all i really want at this moment is to be on a deck with some friends and some beer...so cheers
what is your fave saying/quote??? i have so many...one of them is "if you wished to be loved, love" (ps its one of my tattoos)

not so much new...my family has finally pushed me over the top...but whatevs i shall get over it...my guitar guy *drools* is gone for the summer


what is your fave saying/quote??? i have so many...one of them is "if you wished to be loved, love" (ps its one of my tattoos)

i can't wait to hang out!!!
my favorite quote is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!!! i'm a big fan of Mr. Lennon!