grrrr... Brad..........why are you so annoying yet so hot
anyways, i actually got to sleep in today (until12:30) which puts me in a very good mood, except for the Brad thing. i understand the stuff i am studying which means at the moment i am not stressing. i talked to my ass. manager, and she is convinced my boss wants me, which i doubt and hope not b/c i dont really like her. when i told her what happened she could not stop laughing, and then all day long was teasing me about it
i hope everyone has a good weekend, Nata

yes, I do enjoy my work, no doubt. There's nothing worse than doing something for a career and not enjoy it at all. I even enjoy aspects of shooting weddings....not ALL aspects, but at least some.

oh my.....I just saw your testimonial. You are such a sweetie.