Life's been a bit of a theme park, annoying people, sudden ups and downs, scary trips and sick feelings, but plenty of fun parts.
I came off the anti-depressants, lost both my glassy job and my new call center job, and my parents decided to really get on my case about smoking weed.
I could very well understand it when normal parents turn around to a teenager, or in my case, young adult, and say "don't do drugs", but I know those are hypocritical words. Paranoia has set in, word has spread, and they think we're up for a raid. It's unlikely, likely, and ridiculous all at the same time. They recommended smoking downstairs in the carpark where people come and go during the day.... I'm sticking to the balcony. I have plans to do it up and make it more private.
My Sister thinks I have nothing and that hurts my heart, it seems that all my relatives feel this way about me except for my Aunty who recently joined me on the balcony for a bong. For awhile I had no judgement placed upon me for my choice and now all of a sudden I am, just as I'm discovering more good things about herb. Yes, I do want to speak out more about my cause because I believe that it should be legal, addictive or not. Noone can prove that my life is significantly worse for having smoked weed, I think it's alright, I'm struggling for a job but whose to say that would be any different if I was sober?
My friends haven't been any more supportive, after an attempted trip to magic mushy land, things got mixed up and thrown vastly askew, but I've always thought they were assholes. It just took a hallucinogenic to really show you to what extent they can annoy you and piss you off. Mum says they're all high and mighty because they're home owners. Yes, a home owner at 21 has a right to have pride, but not downright self-righteousness.
I got the courage to talk to Joe about a polygamous relationship, introducing another girl into the equation later on when we have our own space. This is my most favorite fantasy to think about not only having our own house but I often imagine having a girlfriend and cuddling and enjoying her. He's obviously very excited about it even though it's a concept he's never thought of, he's quite lucky to have a girl like me! I imagine if the girl is honest and fun loving enough, jealousy would never be involved because we all care about each other. Obviously my biggest fear would be her stealing my lovely handsome man away. Even before talking about a long-term arrangement though, we have yet to actually experience a threesome. Something that definitely requires personal not a share home with parental figures.
We went on to make an adult matchmaker profile
Who knows what that will achieve, I always think "bar" or "club" when I'm thinking of ways to find cute girls.
I came off the anti-depressants, lost both my glassy job and my new call center job, and my parents decided to really get on my case about smoking weed.
I could very well understand it when normal parents turn around to a teenager, or in my case, young adult, and say "don't do drugs", but I know those are hypocritical words. Paranoia has set in, word has spread, and they think we're up for a raid. It's unlikely, likely, and ridiculous all at the same time. They recommended smoking downstairs in the carpark where people come and go during the day.... I'm sticking to the balcony. I have plans to do it up and make it more private.
My Sister thinks I have nothing and that hurts my heart, it seems that all my relatives feel this way about me except for my Aunty who recently joined me on the balcony for a bong. For awhile I had no judgement placed upon me for my choice and now all of a sudden I am, just as I'm discovering more good things about herb. Yes, I do want to speak out more about my cause because I believe that it should be legal, addictive or not. Noone can prove that my life is significantly worse for having smoked weed, I think it's alright, I'm struggling for a job but whose to say that would be any different if I was sober?
My friends haven't been any more supportive, after an attempted trip to magic mushy land, things got mixed up and thrown vastly askew, but I've always thought they were assholes. It just took a hallucinogenic to really show you to what extent they can annoy you and piss you off. Mum says they're all high and mighty because they're home owners. Yes, a home owner at 21 has a right to have pride, but not downright self-righteousness.
I got the courage to talk to Joe about a polygamous relationship, introducing another girl into the equation later on when we have our own space. This is my most favorite fantasy to think about not only having our own house but I often imagine having a girlfriend and cuddling and enjoying her. He's obviously very excited about it even though it's a concept he's never thought of, he's quite lucky to have a girl like me! I imagine if the girl is honest and fun loving enough, jealousy would never be involved because we all care about each other. Obviously my biggest fear would be her stealing my lovely handsome man away. Even before talking about a long-term arrangement though, we have yet to actually experience a threesome. Something that definitely requires personal not a share home with parental figures.
We went on to make an adult matchmaker profile